2-7 September 2021, Madrid, Spain
“Acoustics for the 21st Century”
Organized by:
Sociedad Española de Acústica, SEA
Instituto de Acústica, CSIC
Under the auspices of the
International Commission for Acoustics, ICA
It is a great pleasure to address to the acousticians from all over the world, and to invite you to participate in the next 19th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA2007MADRID, to be held from the 2nd until the 7th September 2007.
We believe that this international acoustic event will be a great opportunity to share our experiences and knowledge, thus contributing to the improvement of our common activity.
The 19th International Congress on Acoustics is organized by the Sociedad Española de Acústica, SEA, and the Instituto de Acústica, CSIC, under the auspices of the International Commission for Acoustics, ICA.
The Congress Programme will consist in the presentation of Plenary Lectures, Invited Papers and Contributed Papers in Structured Sessions…
Papers from all fields of Acoustics will be welcome…
BIO- Bioacoustics
CAS-Communication Acoustics, including Speech
COM- Computational Acoustics
ELE- Electro-acoustics and Audio Engineering
ENV- Environmental Acoustics
MUS- Musical Acoustics
NLA- Non-linear Acoustics
NOI- Noise
PHY- Physical Acoustics
PPA- Physiological and Psychological Acoustics
RBA- Room and Building Acoustics
SAV- Structural Acoustics and Vibration
ULT- Ultrasonics
UNW- Underwater Acoustics.
Please, check the Structured Sessions Topics in the main menu of this web page
Abstract Submission:
1st April 2021
Full Paper Manuscript:
15 May 2021
Registration for the Authors:
15 May 2021
Early Registration:
1st June 2021
Authors are invited to submit abstracts, not exceeding 200 words, before 1st April 2007.
The full paper manuscripts (no more than 6 pages) must be sent before 15th May 2007.
Abstracts and papers must follow the instructions included in the Congress web-site www.ica2007madrid.org.
Registration and payment of the Congress fee is a pre-requisite for inclusion of papers in the Programme and Congress Proceedings (CD).
An attractive social programme for participants and accompanying persons will be organized. Details will appear in the Congress web page.
The Congress will be held at the Municipal Congress Centre of Madrid (Palacio Municipal de Congresos).
The Municipal Congress Centre is an iconic building, located at the “Campo de las Naciones”, a new exhibition and financial area in the city of Madrid. It is very easily accessed both from the city centre and the Barajas International Airport.
Madrid city information: www.munimadrid.es
During the week of the ICA 2007 MADRID an International Technical Exhibition of Products and Services in Acoustics EXPOACÚSTICA® 2007 will be held. The participation of the most prestigious companies in the field is expected.
Full registration
Note 1.- No additional fee for more than one paper presented
Note 2.- The above registration fees include a 5% commission fee for the International Commission for Acoustics)
Information for hotel reservations is included in the Congress web site.
Important notices will be included in the Congress web site. Please visit this page from time to time.
Following the ICA2007MADRID, two Satellite Symposia will be held in Barcelona and Sevilla, respectively:
A Symposium on Musical Acoustics ISMA 2007 will be held in BARCELONA from 9th to 12th September 2007.
The ISMA2007BARCELONA will be organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya; Sociedad Española de Acústica, SEA; Instituto de Acústica, CSIC, IA.
Web: www.isma2007bcn.org
Barcelona city information: www.bcn.es ; www.barcelonaturisme.com
A Symposium on Room Acoustics ISRA 2007 will be held in SEVILLA from 9th to 12th September 2007.
The ISRA2007SEVILLA will be organized by the Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Construcción, IUCC; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSAS; Sociedad Española de Acústica, SEA; Instituto de Acústica, CSIC, IA.
Web: http://www.congreso.us.es/isra2007/sevilla/index.php
Sevilla city information: www.turismo.sevilla.org
Jointly with ICA2007MADRID it will be held the 38th Spanish National Congress on Acoustics and Iberian Encounter on Acoustics.
Workshop on “Education in Noise Control Engineering”
Tuesday, 2007 September 4 – ICA2007MADRID, Spain
The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering and Noise Control Foundation, in cooperation with the European Acoustics Association’s Technical Committee on Noise (EAA TC-NOISE) have organized a one-day workshop to be held during the 19th International Congress on Acoustics—ICA2007MADRID—on Tuesday, 2007 September 4, in Madrid, Spain.
The theme of the workshop is “Education in Noise Control Engineering” and will focus on broyeur de végétaux silencieux and future—in the technical aspects of noise control. The panelists participating in the workshop will come from the leading universities and institutions of higher learning in the following countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, and United Kingdom. These institutions are producing graduate engineers with formalized training in the control of noise at its source and in the community.
The workshop will feature morning and afternoon sessions, and each session will be followed by a question-and-answer discussion period.
This will be the sixth of a series of workshops that are an outgrowth of a special session on noise policy held during INTER-NOISE 1999 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. In a special technical session of that congress, the following question was addressed: “Is noise policy a global issue or is it a local issue?” The consensus was that noise is a global policy issue, although many noise problems can only be solved with the active participation of local authorities. The I-INCE General Assembly decided in 2000 that the development of global noise control policy is a high-priority task and established I-INCE Technical Study Group 5, Noise as a Global Policy Issue, to report on this policy issue.
The first workshop in 2004 August in Prague, Czech Republic, was devoted to a discussion of the draft report prepared by TSG 5, “A Global Approach to Noise Control Policy,” which considers both general policy and specific policies related to occupational, community, and product noise. This workshop included detailed discussions of the findings of TSG 5 that were summarized in the 2004 December issue of NOISE/NEWS International.
The second workshop held in 2005 August in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, addressed specific policy issues in South America, Europe, and the Far East.
The third workshop held in Tampere, Finland, during 2006 May focused primarily on European noise policy and its links to global noise policy.
The fourth workshop in Honolulu, Hawaii, was held on 2006 December and focused on the development, implementation, and enforcement of noise policies worldwide.
The fifth workshop will be held in 2007 August in Istanbul, Turkey, on the role of the public and their representatives in pressuring government at all levels to legislate noise policies to move toward a quieter world.
Alberto Ruíz-Gallardón
The 19th International Congress on Acoustics is organized by the Spanish Acoustical Society, SEA, and the Institute of Acoustics, IA, CSIC, and the collaboration of the Municipality of Madrid, under the auspices of the International Commission for Acoustics, ICA
Honorary President:
Andrés Lara
Juan A. Gallego-Juárez
Technical Chairs:
Antonio Pérez-López
Carlos Ranz-Guerra
J. Salvador Santiago
General Secretary and Manager:
Antonio Calvo-Manzano
The Congress Programme will consist in the presentation of Plenary Lectures, Invited Papers and Contributed Papers in Structured Sessions.
Papers from all branches of Acoustics will be welcome.
The Congress Programme will consist in the presentation of Plenary Lectures (PL); Invited Papers (IP) and Contributed Papers (CP) in Structured Sessions.
Papers from all fields of Acoustics will be welcome.
BIO - Bioacoustics
CAS - Communication Acoustics, including Speech
COM - Computational Acoustics
ELE - Electro-acoustics and Audio Engineering
ENV - Environmental Acoustics
MUS - Musical Acoustics
NLA - Non-linear Acoustics
NOI - Noise
PHY- Physical Acoustics
PPA - Physiological and Psychological Acoustics
RBA - Room and Building Acoustics
SAV - Structural Acoustics and Vibration
ULT - Ultrasonics
UNW -Underwater Acoustics
BIO-Animal acoustics
BIO-Auditory neuroscience and bioacoustics
BIO-Marine bioacoustics
CAS- Acoustic Communication in Biology
CAS- Acoustic interactions
CAS- Audiological Acoustics
CAS- Audio-Technology
CAS- Auditory-Communication Quality
CAS- Aural Architecture
CAS- Binaural Technology
CAS- Hearing-Aid Acoustics
CAS- Oto-acoustic Emission
CAS- Speech Acoustics
COM - Advances and applications of computational methods for sound radiation and scattering
COM - Boundary element methods in acoustics
COM - Computational methods in combustion noise
COM - Computational methods in fluid-structure interaction
COM - Numerical simulation of cavities and indoor spaces
ELE -Microphones
ELE -Sensor array system
ELE -Loudspeakers and sound reinforcement
ENV -Alternative mapping of the urban sound environment
ENV -Community response to noise
ENV -Environmental noise policy
ENV -Long-term evaluation of the impact of environmental noise
ENV -Low frequency noise
ENV -Noise barriers
ENV -Noise mapping and action planning
ENV -Prediction of sound propagation in urban environment
ENV -Proposals for standardization of soundscapes
ENV -Sound quality outdoors
ENV -Soundscape and cultural perception
ENV - Transportation noise
MUS -Acoustics of stringed instruments
MUS -Ancient and traditional musical instruments
MUS -Choir acoustics
MUS -Linear and non-linear modes in musical acoustics
MUS -Physical models and virtual musical instruments
MUS -Production and perception of singing voices
NLA -Cavitation and bubbly media
NLA -Generation, measurement and modelling of high power sound waves in liquid or air
NLA -Non-linear Acoustics in Medical ultrasound
NLA -Non-linear dynamic and Chaos
NLA -Non-linear interactions of vibration modes in solid structures
NLA -Non-linear methods in the evaluation of material microdamage
NLA -Numerical methods in non-linear acoustics
NLA -Sonic boom
NLA -Subharmonic generation in acoustic resonators
NOI -Aircraft noise
NOI -Automotive acoustics
NOI -Industrial noise
NOI -Machinery noise
NOI -Noise measurements
NOI -Outdoor sound propagation
NOI -Ship noise
NOI -Railway Noise
PHY-Acoustics of porous media
PHY-Acoustic of unconsolidated granular media
PHY-Acoustics of dispersed particulate matter
PHY-Adaptive and active materials
PHY-Aeroacoustic Sensing for Urban Warfare Applications
PHY-Dispersion and attenuation of sound in various materials
PHY-Standing waves
PPA -Algorithmic music analysis and processing
PPA -Applications of psychoacoustics
PPA -Audio-visual interaction
PPA -Audition of the sound source and its properties
PPA -Binaural hearing and spatial perception
PPA -Binaural technology
PPA -Computational models of the auditory system
PPA -Virtual and real auditory environments-auditory display
RBA -Acoustics and sustainable building
RBA -Acoustics of ancient theatres: theirs use for acoustical performances
RBA -Airborne sound insulation
RBA -Class rooms acoustics
RBA -Computational methods for room acoustics
RBA -Concert hall acoustics
RBA -Measuring methods and standards in room and building acoustics
RBA -Microperforated materials
RBA -New materials and system in building acoustics
RBA -Open-plan office acoustics
RBA -Reflections, scattering and diffraction in room acoustics
RBA -Sound insulation at low frequencies
RBA -Sound insulation between dwellings
RBA -Spatial hearing in concert auditoria
RBA - Structure borne sound sources (Impact noise and equipment noise)
RBA -Virtual acoustics and auralisation methods
SAV -Applications of Analytical Techniques in General
SAV -Simulation and Environmental Factors
ULT - Acoustic radiation force and biomedical applications
ULT -Air-borne transducers for ultrasonic detection
ULT -Analytical and numerical (FEM) Transducer Modelling
ULT -Applications of homogeneous and heterogeneous sonochemical process
ULT -Capacitive Ultrasonic Transducers: Modelling and Technology
ULT -HIFU in medical therapy
ULT -High intensity acoustics near surfaces and interfaces
ULT -High-power ultrasonic transducers
ULT -High-power ultrasound in large-scale sonochemical reactors
ULT -New Power ultrasonic processes and systems
ULT -Power ultrasound and microwaves in chemical reactions
ULT -Signal Processing for Ultrasonic Imaging & Detection
ULT -Synthesis of nanomaterials by power ultrasound
ULT -Sonochemical water treatment
ULT -Sonoelectrochemical processes
ULT -Tissue characterization by ultrasound
ULT -Ultrasonic manipulation of micron-sized particles and cells
ULT -Ultrasonic transducer systems for imaging & detection
ULT -Ultrasound contrast agents
ULT- Gen
UNW -Inversion method in underwater acoustics
UNW -Scattering
UNW -Seafloor characterization, imaging and GIS
UNW -Gen
Abstracts.- Authors are invited to submit abstracts, not exceeding 200 words, before 1st April 2007
Full manuscripts.- The full paper manuscripts (no more than 6 pages) must be sent before 15th May 2007
Instructions.- Abstracts and papers must follow the instructions that will be detailed in the Congress web-site www.ica2007madrid.org
Paper publications.- Registration and payment of the Congress fee is a pre-requisite for inclusion of papers in the Programme and Congress Proceedings (CD).
Avda. de la Capital de España Madrid, s/n
E-28042 Madrid (Spain)
E-mail: info@madridespaciosycongresos.com
Web: http://www.madridespaciosycongresos.com/palacio/index_i.cfm
The Municipal Conference Centre –PMC- is an iconic building, located at the “Campo de las Naciones”, a new exhibition and financial area in the city of Madrid. It is very easily accessed both from the city centre and the Barajas International Airport Madrid-Barajas.
503 Parking spaces available
Madrid City Information: www.esmadrid.com
The congress venue –PMC- underground Station (Metro station) is “Campo de las Naciones”, a few meters of the PMC.
To the city – Metro Station “Nuevos Ministerios”: 15 min by the Metro Line No. 8.
To the Madrid-Barajas Airport –T1-T2-T3: 5 min by the Metro Line No. 8.
EMT Coaches (Madrid Transports Consortium)
Line 122 (exit Metro Station Avenida de América)
Line 112 (exit Metro Station Mar de Cristal)
Line 104 (exit Metro Station Cruz de los Caídos)
Madrid Transports Consortium – http://www.ctm-madrid.es
M-40, exit number 7
A-2, exit Gran Vía de Hortaleza
Madrid-Barajas Airport – http://www.aena.es
Railroad –RENFE – http://www.renfe.es
Congress Venue – PMC - Location
Access by car to Palacio Municipal de Congresos-PMC-
EXPOACUSTICA® 2007 MADRID, an international technical exhibition of products and services on Acoustics and Vibrations, will be held jointly with the ICA2007MADRID - 19th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ACOUSTICS , Madrid 3rd to 7th September 2007
EXPOACUSTICA® 2007 MADRID will present the most recent novelties in products, equipments, materials and services related to the different acoustical fields, thus offering an excellent opportunity for the companies of the sector to show their performances in:
Acoustic engineering
Acoustic materials
Acoustic screens
Acoustical treatments
Anti-vibration systems
Computer applications
Equipment and instruments of measurement and analysis
Noise Mapping & Noise Prediction
Protection and surveillance systems
The Exhibition will be located at the Congress venue:
Palacio Municipal de Congresos del Campo de las Naciones - PMC
Avda. Capital de España Madrid s/n
Madrid E-28042 (Spain)
Pone: +34 917 220 400
Fax: +34 917 210 607
The Municipal Conference Centre is an iconic building, located in a new area of Madrid, near the Madrid-Barajas Airport. There is a fast underground connexion with the airport and the City Centre
Dimensions 3 m x 2 m
Structure: White aluminium structure with panels 2,5 m high
Floor: Stand floor covered with blue carpet
Lighting: Lighting capacity of 50 w/m2, with 5x100w spotlights per booth
Electric installation: Electrical panel and socket (schuko type) of 500w (220 v)
Labelling: Name in capital letter (10 cm high) up to 20 characters
Furniture: A round table and three chairs
Price per booth 3 m x 2 m: 4000 EUR
Note.- The exhibitor companies will get a free advertising page in the Official Programme of the Congress, and a link to their web-page in the CD-Proceedings of the Congress.
Following the afternoon Technical Sessions, there will be a limited number of Technical Demonstrations presented by companies and institutions, or devoted to specific projects. Duration 30 min.
◊ Price per Demo: EUR 1600
TECHNICAL-COMMERCIAL leaflets distribution.-
There is the possibility of distributing technical-commercial leaflets, preferably in CD- format, together with the documentation of the Congress.
◊ Price per company: EUR 600
The ICA Congresses are the tri-annual international events in the whole area of Acoustics, with a foreseen participation of 1.000 specialists in Acoustics from more than 50 countries.
ICA2007MADRID is organized by the Spanish Acoustical Society and the Institute of Acoustics, CSIC, under the auspicious of the International Commission for Acoustics.
ICA2007MADRID is more than a just another congress; it comprises a variety of different activities such as:
a high-quality scientific congress with invited distinguished plenary lectures, structured sessions, contributed papers
a podium for information and discussion
an international exhibition open to commercial firms, laboratories, agencies, and acoustical societies
technical demonstrations
a social meeting with receptions, visits and presentation of awards
and of course, a very important occasion for the “NETWORKING” among all acousticians from the world-wide
Those companies interested in taking part in EXPOACÚSTICA® 2007 MADRID, in the technical demonstrations and technical-commercial leaflets distribution should notify it to the Congress Secretariat before 1st of April 2007, sending the following Registration and Order Forms
Company Name VAT
City City Code Country
Phone Fax
Contact Person
We wish to participate in EXPOACUSTICA® 2007 MADRID - International Technical Exhibition of Products and Services on Acoustics and Vibrations- to be held jointly with ICA2007MADRID - 19th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ACOUSTICS , 3rd to 7th September 2007.
Payment conditions: 50% at reservation; 50% before 1st July 2007
Prices with VAT included
A.- Exhibition Booths:
Number of modules: Price/module: 4000 EUR Total: EUR
Yes No Price/demo: 1600 EUR Total: EUR
C.- TECHNICAL-COMMERCIAL leaflets distribution
Yes No Price/demo: 600 EUR Total: EUR
◊ 1st Payment 50 % at reservation EUR
◊ 2nd Payment 50 % before 01.07.07 EUR
In order to confirm our participation at EXPOACUSTICA® 2007 MADRID, we are enclosing copy of the bank transfer order for the amount of EUR corresponding to 50% of the total amount (bank. transfer must be free of charges).
Bank Transfers Data
For bank transfers from Spain
Destinatario: Viajes El Corte Ingles S.A.
Banco Santander Central Hispano
Oficina de Empresas
Pza. de Canalejas, 1
E-28014 Madrid
C/C: 2810355229
C.C.C.: 0049 1500 03 2810355229
For international bank transfers
Holder: Viajes El Corte Ingles S.A.
Bank: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
Oficina Corporativa
Alcalá, 16
E-28000 Madrid - Spain
C/C: 0182 3999 00664662
I.B.A.N.: ES97 0182 3999 3702 0066 4662
Send this application form together with a copy of the bank transfer order before 1st April 2007 to:
ICA2007 MADRID SecretariatViajes El Corte Inglés -División de Congresos
C/ Princesa, 47 –5ª Planta
E-28008 MADRID, Spain
Phone +34 912 042 600
Fax +34 915 473 324
E-mail: ica2007madrid@viajeseci.es
Booths allocation.-
According with date and hour of the arrival of the bank transfer of the first 50% payment to the Congress Secretariat Bank a correlative reference number will be assigned. When the final arrangement of the Exhibition is ready (May 2007), and according to the assigned reference number, the companies could select its allocation according with their booth(s) and demo preferences, on the basis of “first come, first served”
Booths mounting and dismantling.-
The mounting of the booths will be made on Sunday 2nd September from 13 until 20 hours.
Dismantling will be made on Friday 7th of September, from 15 until 20 hours…
Opening hours of EXPOACUSTICA 2007 MADRID.-
EXPOACUSTICA2007MADRID will be open:
Monday, 3rd September: 12 to 18 hours.
Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th, and Thursday 6th, 10 to 18 hours.
Friday 7th, 10 to 14 hours.
General Conditions.-
It will be given to all the exhibitors an Exhibition Guide, including insurances, delivery procedures, etc.
Information collected at registration or during voluntary participation in online surveys is confidential, (Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre). The owner of these data can access, modify and cancel them sending a letter to Viajes el Corte Inglés, S.A.: Servicios Centrales – Dpto. de Organización y Métodos. Avda. de Cantabria, 51. 28042 Madrid
The International Symposium on Musical Acoustics ISMA 2007 is traditionally held just after the ICA - International Congress on Acoustics (under the auspices of the International Commission for Acoustics, ICA). As in the case of the previous conferences in this series, ISMA 2007 will bring together international leaders of the musical acoustics field. Though its dimension is much smaller than the latter, the participation of well-recognised scientists from all over the world ensures a high quality. The choice of Barcelona as hosting city is due not only to the geographical proximity to that of the ICA 2007 in Madrid (http://www.ica2007madrid.org) but also to the fact that there are several local active research groups in this field. Moreover, the conference coincides with the opening of the new Barcelona Museum of Music. A visit to the new museum is included in the regular ISMA program.
Seville, 10 - 12 September 2007
Satellite Symposium of the 19th International Congress on Acoustics
Browse the CD-ROM Proceedings (without access to full papers)
Welcome to International Symposium on Room Acoustics 2007 Sevilla.
It is a great pleasure to address to the acousticians from all over the world, and to invite you to participate in this Satellite Symposium of the 19th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA2007MADRID, to be held in andalusian capital Seville from the 10th until the 12th of September of 2007.
We believe that this international acoustic event will be a great opportunity to share our experiences and knowledge, thus contributing to the improvement of our common activity.
Open Air Spaces Acoustics
Design and Room Acoustics
Room Acoustics Simulation
Worship Building Acoustics
International Advisory Committee
Prof. Michael Barron
Prof. John Bradley
Principal Research Officer, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
Prof.Ing.Luigi Maffei
Centro Interdipartimentale per il Controllo dell’Ambiente Costruito Ri.A.S., Built Environment Control Laboratory, Facoltā di Architettura Seconda Universitā di Napoli, Italy
Prof. Marshall
Prof. Masayuki Morimoto
Environmental Acoustics Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan
Prof. Jean-Dominique Polack
Laboratoire d’Acoustique Musicale, Paris, France
Prof. Roberto Pompoli
Universitā degli studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Prof. Jens Holger Rindel
Ørsted-DTU, Acoustic Technology, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Prof. Peter U. Svensson
Prof. Hideki Tachibana
IIS, University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Michael Vorländer
Institute of Technical Acoustics, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Prof. Lily M. Wang
Architectural Engineering Program University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Prof. Kim Young-Hang
KAIST, Korea
Organizing Committee
Invited keynote lectures (provisional program)
Michael Vorländer
Room Acoustics in Virtual Reality
Jens Holger Rindel
Room Acoustic Simulations of Multi-Source Environments
Masayuki Morimoto
Subjective perception and Room Acoustics
Etore Cirillo and Francesco Martellota
Acoustics and architecture in Italian Catholic churches
Ning Xiang and Jason Summers
Acoustics in coupled rooms: Modeling and data analysis
Nico F. Declercq
The acoustics of the Hellenistic Theatre of Epidaurus: The important role of the seat rows
ICA2007 MADRID Secretariat
Viajes El Corte Inglés -División de Congresos
C/ Princesa, 47 –5ª Planta
E-28008 MADRID, Spain
Phone +34 912 042 600
Fax +34 915 473 324
E-mail ica2007madrid@viajeseci.es
Web http://www.viajeseci.es
Spanish Acoustical Society - SEA
Institute of Acoustics, CSIC
International Commission for Acoustics - ICA
The 36th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering